Lost Origins
Media Kit
Our team exists to explore the mysteries of our past. Every episode, Andrew and CK chat with experts, researchers, and authors on esoteric history and mind bending mysteries.
Fact Sheet
Founded in 2015, Lost Origins seeks to explore the mysteries of our past. The show was quickly featured within the New and Noteworthy section on iTunes, thus propelling the show to a broad reach and rampant consumption. The show went on to rank within the global charts for several months and was consistently positioned 23rd to 28th. The early success of the show lent itself to the show acquiring Inner Traditions as the primary sponsor of the show, as well as heavy-hitting guests within the alternative theories space.
In early 2016, Andrew relocated from Denver, CO to Lincoln, NE. While growing and scaling his company, Andrew found himself lacking the time needed to continue the show. Andrew made the tough decision to place the show into a status of hiatus. In early 2018, social profiles began to tease the possibility of a reboot. In late 2018, Andrew sold his company and found himself motivated to move forward with the production of Lost Origins. Enter CK.
Christopher Kingsley and Andrew have spent years developing a personal and professional relationship with one another. The two share a passion for asking questions, history, alternative theories, the nature of reality, and the origins of humanity. The two decided to combine their efforts and the new partnership led to the reimagining of the show’s format, production value, cadence, and marketing methodologies.
Lost Origins is produced and recorded in Lincoln, NE. The show has seen over one million downloads since it’s initial release and is currently averaging 30,000 to 40,000 weekly downloads – a metric that continues to grow. The show is currently sponsored by Inner Traditions and Klean Kanteen.
Lost Origins takes pride in the production value of the show and copious amounts of work occur within pre-production, production, and post-production of the show. From pro gear to intense production training, the team has made a significant investment in the quality of the content.
The team is also very active within the social community surrounding Lost Origins. Every comment, post, message, and review are personally read and responded to, thus increasing the relationship, loyalty, and support of the audience.
Download the Lost Origins media kit. This includes the PDF fact sheet, logo files, media examples, and headshots.
Listener Feedback
The fans of the show have done an incredible job with providing the team with feedback and reviews.
artwork and assets
Each episode sees the custom design and development of custom artwork and promotional materials.
get in touch
Contact Us
If you have questions for our team, or would like to inquire as to a sponsorship, partnership, or media opportunity, click the button below to message Lost Origins.