S02E17 – Jennifer Gehl

The Return of Planet Sedna

Lurking in the dark corners of our solar system, planet Sedna holds interesting implications regarding the mental wellbeing of humanity. This week, Andrew and CK connect with Jennifer T. Gehl, MHS. As a certified Acutonics practitioner, astrology sound healer, and mentor with a master’s degree in health sciences from St. Francis University, Jennifer instructs astro-harmonic medicine continuing education to licensed professionals. In this week’s episode of Lost Origins, she explains her latest book, The Return of Planet Sedna and walks Andrew and CK through how the Inuit legend of the sea woman Sedna offers clues about the message of the same-named planet’s return, including a warning about the sustainability of our planet. She also details how we can tune ourselves to Sedna’s energies and harness them for healing ourselves and our planet. Gehl also explains how Kundalini energy courses through planets and people alike and how planetary transits activate a form of cosmic Kundalini energy, with Sedna’s planetary return marking a major stage in this awakening process.

Examining the story of Sedna mythologically and astrologically, Gehl explains how Sedna’s last appearance 11,000 years ago occurred at the end of the Ice Age when waters disrupted and divided our world. Her return, rather than being a harbinger of disaster, is one of the way-shower and shaman. Symbolically, she lights the path for us to ignite our own immortality by surrendering to the inner path, revealing patterns and pathways for infinite healing potential, a new model of sustainability for the health of our planet, and a way to actively participate in our soul’s evolution.

“The Return of the Planet Sedna is a deep and engrossing contemplation of the connections between our world and very high galactic dimensions. Gehl posits that the return of Sedna signals the time has come to heal hidden fear and pain from the great cosmic cataclysms that occurred during Sedna’s last cyclical return around 12,000 years ago. Gehl notes Sedna’s return means shamanism and the recovery of our personal mythos is the way to go beyond this primordial wound. Bravo! Sedna is a must-read for all astrologers and those studying cataclysmic cycles.” – Barbara Hand Clow, author of Astrology and The Rising of Kundalini
“Jennifer Gehl provides an insightful analysis of the discovery chart coupled with a deep analysis of the myth, approaching both from a healing perspective. She also explores the close relationship of the planet to healing correspondences from ancient myth and certain future potentialities as they relate to Sedna, particularly the water element, the I Ching, and human DNA. I commend this work as another valuable piece of the roadmap charting Sedna’s meaning in our lives!” – Alan Clay, author of Sedna Consciousness: The Soul’s Path of Destiny

About the Guest

Jennifer T. Gehl, MHS, instructs astro-harmonic medicine continuing education to licensed professionals. She is a certified Acutonics practitioner, astrology sound healer, and mentor with a master’s degree in health sciences from St. Francis University. She lives in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania.

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