Sonja Grace
The Tree of Life: Yggdrasill
Aug 16
Sonja Grace
The Norse Gods first came to Earth crossing the bridge known as Bilröst. This portal originates in a stone circle called Castlerigg in the sleepy village of Keswick, Cumbria in the British Isles. Castlerigg marks the portal where the Norse Gods arrived from Asgard and is receiving cosmic energy. When I visited the site in person, I experienced this energy like waves of heavy air filling the circle. There were several people in my expedition, and they all felt it too. We all experienced feeling very light in our bodies and energetically altered. While standing inside this ancient stone circle I could see Bilröst spanning across the cosmos connecting Midgard to Asgard. I had time traveled to this site prior to visiting it in person and I saw the Norse Gods cross this bridge in my Spirit Travels. The energy of the circle keeps the bridge open. When we left the ancient site, there was a feeling of being out of sorts and extremely tired, as if we had traveled off planet.
In my book ‘Spirit Traveler’ I describe the Ancient Ones (Pleiadeans) who arrived before Odin and the Norse Gods. The Ancient Ones are responsible for building Stonehenge and many of the stone circles in the UK. The Norse Gods transported from Castlerigg, through the portal known as Stoplesteinan in Norway to help shape and develop the humans of that region. These stone circles are used by the Demi-Gods to travel to and from Earth, as well as from portal to portal. My own ability to time travel has allowed me to gather information on sites around the world, learning how they were built and what they were used for. I Spirit Traveled to Fredrikstad, Norway to the nine stone circles of Hunn Gravfelt . I was shown by the Norse Gods how the nine stone circles represented the Nine Realms. The Norse gods took me through each of the stone circles where I witnessed each realm and met those who live there. In my book ‘Odin and the Nine Realms Oracle’ I describe in detail the different realms all held within the branches of Yggdrasill. It is through the realms that various portals and stone circles connect with the energy of the great tree and the cosmos.
When the Demi-Gods stopped coming to Earth around 4000 BCE, they placed large sarsen stones at Stonehenge and Avebury circle. They told the people the stones were placed to remind them of what they had learned and to keep practicing their ceremonies -but they were not coming back. It was time for humanity to stand on their own, with faith. The sarsen stones are charged with cosmic energy from Pleiades, though much of it has been depleted by humans through their fear and desperation. The people at Stonehenge started burying their High Priestesses next to the ancient site in hopes they would bring the Gods back. The challenge humans face all over the globe is the collective karma of abandonment. When we feel the Gods are not coming back, we have historically lost faith; we start to do crazy things in efforts to appease them.
Demi-Gods are star beings from all over the galaxy. They are benevolent and next to Angels and Creator and come here to help shape humanity at the beginning of each phase. This phase began when Atlantis and Lumeria fell and huge portals opened all over the Earth to signal it was time to begin a new phase – which we are currently in. The reason we are seeking answers now, more than ever in history, is because we are coming to the end of this phase. All the children being born today are star seeds. They come from all over the galaxy and beyond, just like we did when many of us incarnated during the later stages of Atlantis and Lumeria.
When we think of all that ties us together as a people, planet, galaxy and universe, the tree of life stretches far and wide. In Lakota Sioux tradition the ceremony called Sundance is exactly what Odin experienced at Yggdrasill. The men are pierced with thin wooden pegs in which a rope is attached, and they dance connected to the tree for four days praying for a vision and suffering for their family. In ancient times the man would also Sundance to ease his wife’s pain in childbirth. A circular arbor surrounds the dancers with a cottonwood tree in the middle. On the fourth day the men break from the tree, released from their ropes – leaving circular wounds on their chests. This ancient way of praying is also indicative of suffering for the health and wellbeing of the people. Odin suffered for nine days and received the runes as his vision. The Norse gods like all Demi-Gods teach us where we came from and why history has repeated since the beginning of humanity. The stories are held in the Nine Realms and the great tree Yggdrasil.
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